this year, all the juniors are making dresses to be displayed at the goldsmith mannequin showroom (on said mannequins). we met with dan yesterday and he looked at our sketches to determine which dress we would be making.
look 1: sheer shoulder yoke with grey satin side panels and silver pleated center front and back panels. (the scanner didn't capture the swatches in the right colors at all, so disregard them.)

look 2: simple grey velvet shift dress with a wraparound exposed zipper. (i adore this one. i'm going to make it at some point, hopefully.)

look 3: deep v-neck halter. the fabric is grey satin with a silver pleated band at the hem. silver round studs along the neckline.

look 4: v-neck halter dress with a bubble skirt made from grey taffeta. double collar with silver round studs. this is by far my favorite.

look 5: this is the one dan picked for me to actually make. the dress and belt are made with light grey velvet with a silver pleated raglan sleeve.

wish me luck!